Monday, June 29, 2009

Illustration: 夢見続けるから。。。 (Yume mitsudukeru kara...)

yume mitsudukerukara... by =Waterdroplet-s on deviantART

Please click on above for its description and for bigger image.

It's a contest entry for I Dream contest held in deviantART.


Softwares Used:
Comic Studio Ex 4.0
Photoshop CS2/3
Cinema 4D R11 studio
Brush used: custom and my own, five brush set + typography.
Font: Tender by Mr. Kabutoya from his book, High Grade Design Font. I really appreciate him for allowing me to use his fonts since the time I created station.

Time it took:
Three days of planning

6/12-6/29/09- worked on it every night little by little.

或る街の群青 (aru machi no gunjou) by Asian Kung-fu Generation

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