modern room by =Waterdroplet-s on deviantART
Aimed for interior design look.
Photoshop CS3
Cinema 4D R11 studio (Global Illumination)
~ 6 nights
I was originally planning to start drawing manga after this illustration, but the script and the background image is still not ready. So... I will do concept art on Photoshop after this since I got brushes from Jamshed Jurabaev last night. Thank you so much!!
I found out last night, but he works as a designer in Tajikistan under href="">Ustodesign. He's very kind and helpful to other artists so I kind of became a fan recently... well.... I became a fan once I spotter his concept art a month or two ago.
His work:
The path by *jamajurabaev on deviantART
His technique I'm planning to use for the next concept art is the use of
It's an open share software (is that how people call free softwares?) and is usable in Linux, Windows, and Mac. I tested it out last night and both worked fine in Mac though tended to be a bit slow compared to Vista. I don't know how to use Volume thing but supposedly, it creates images with sound through microphone or something.
He used this for character concept art and painted more in Photoshop as seen here:
Characters 3 by *jamajurabaev on deviantART
My attempt with the software:
1st Round:
送信者 Waterdroplet's Blog |
2nd Round:
送信者 Waterdroplet's Blog |
送信者 Waterdroplet's Blog |
送信者 Waterdroplet's Blog |
Positive side:
- Usable in both Mac and PC unlike inkscape which claimed that it was usable but couldn't in Mac OSX
- light and easy to learn
- in both Japanese and English
There's no undo option- so must erase the canvas completely in order to get rid of a mistake
I think it's a good program to have besidesApophysis.
Apophysis 2.09 attempt (mistakenly rendered with a light shade):
The following are practices I did with Cinema 4D, trying to test how to manipulate 3D CG model so it will have asymmetrical organic object kinda look+duplication method so I could create chains:
Practice using metaball (right) and atom (center)
Ball and chain thingmy:
Trying to manipulate 3D CG into asymmetric shapes by pulling, smear, smoothening, and etc. using a brush tool (originally a sphere):
and transparency test (used gradation +turbulence):
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