Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Illustration: Concept Art Practice 10

concept art practice 10 by =Waterdroplet-s on deviantART

Concept art practice.

What I did different this time was to not use default round brush but customized it to square shaped brush for eraser and brush.

Result was... it was not much different from a round brush.

I also tried to use more layers this time than before so I could play with layer effects. I used blur for motion or movement(don't know the exact translation for this) to add some movement to the illustration. However, doing too much seemed a bit distracting.

Anyway... I saw some improvement from my last painting I did for fun:

after I got this from my relative (shitake) :p

I started off with white base color, and that made the illustration a bit blurry. As a result, I used black from the start for my recent illustration, and it showed some improvement. Hopefully, I could improve more on the way.

Photoshop CS3
2-3days (actually worked on this for a few hours over those days)

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