Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My first DA news released

I released my first deviantART news yesterday:

Red, Yellow or Orange Feature

which featured ~97 works of dozens of artists in deviantART. Most of them were provided by the artists themselves and others were my personal favorites. Thank you so much everyone for your support.

So, for the past few days, I was working on sorting out graphics for that so my manga/illustration is going a bit slowly.
I edited metamorphosis last night- mostly dots since some were a bit uneven. I worked on my manga a bit and practice in Cinema 4D which didn't go too well, but I now know how to control lights so it becomes more like a ray of light. I used a tutorial :
Xtreme C4D tutorial

to get that twisted object, but it went wrong somewhere in the middle so it's not complete. :p

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