Friday, August 28, 2009

Illustration: Battle

Battle by =Waterdroplet-s on deviantART

Concept Art+digital painting practice+procrastination.

I first tried to make the image dimension equal to golden ratio but decided to use one third rule. I made the sky as white since it was interesting to have a high contrast image.

Photoshop CS3

~1.5 wks though I didn't work on this most of the time.

Progress in a nutshell(stuff in the end's missing)*crazier than usual:

It started with a basic background... tower with a person sitting on a rock?

Since it was sort of boring, I changed the shape.

Still boring... expanded horizontally + more people
The angle was boring so I did transform a bit on each

Added a person, deleted a person
Getting slightly finer details...

started shading... arm is funny... fix that and change the person pointing finger to archer
More shading... and erase that person being chased by a dragon since no one looks desperate

This guy needs an armor
More details+ shading
Ugh... only guys are boring

Lady added but she's too naked

She's wearing something now but bald...

Adding hair gives more movement

Highlight gave more interesting image+ starts coloring in whatever color I can find ( it doesn't matter what since I will change it anyway)

Changed the staff size

added hair color to the guy

More coloring...

and added details +colors-sky+more vertical space since she's too crammed+magic like effects -> ta- dah!

I used out of the norm steps for this digital painting since I was just allowing my imagination to do the work. So... no composition, not much planning, and in the end- interesting experience.

I will work properly from now...


Found the Concept Art Tutorial concerning composition at last!!

Environment Concept Art: Composition by Philip Straub

I will try to study this and use it on my future illustrations! Yay!

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