Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Concept Art Practices


concept art practice 5 by =Waterdroplet-s on deviantART
3 hours
Painter X (charcoal, digital water color)

Dragon and a boy eating roasted sweet potatoes (yeah- random):

2 hours
Painter X (Charcoal, air brush)

1.5 hours
Photoshop CS3
Painter X (airbrush)

The one above was created after I created this in Photoshop CS3:

Basically, drew a simple outline of tree-like stuff, used a composition method of drawing circle like objects to guide the viewer's eyes to a certain area of the illustration. Then, I painted on top in Painter X

Now that I had several practices, I will try to draw more dynamic illustrations. So... might take a few days on that once I get the idea.

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