Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 2, 3 forgot what...

I lost track of when I did these but how the wallpaper is starting to look like:

Day 2 (oi... made her bald as a monk)

Day 3 (started working more on background)

I must say... not much progress since this last image since I was away most of the time during this last three day weekend, and I worked on the next wallpaper last night.

Anyway, photos I took over Sat:
This wasn't Sat but a practice with water drops. I used one of those water sprays for ironing... yeah... didn't turn out well:

Sat, my dog's stuffed animal in a miserable condition:


and... me:

Canon Kiss X3+S18-55 F3.5-5.6 IS
Photoshop CS3

now... editing photos I took over the weekend while I hiked with a friend.

Please wait until I finish choosing and editing since I took so many....

Lumix TZ7
Photoshop CS3

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