Monday, October 19, 2009


I went to Nara during this weekend... after 15 years? I was in elementary school last time I visited there.

I was trying to take a photo of sudden rain storm... and couldn't get the effect from having non-DSLR camera that day.

Decided that it will be fun to try out 鹿せんべい (Shikasenbei)- a snack for deers- which my friend mentioned that it tasted "gross" (since it's only for deers) while taking out my camera and 150 yen...

And... the next second after I bought it, GAAAAH!

Deers were all over, nibbling away on my clothes (to urge me to give the snack to them), stepping on my foot, and

took away the last batch before I could even try it out myself. Dang.

My friend was chased by four does, while I was calling out, "Hey, somebody's popular!"

I was chased by only two deers.

A little deer was also present... probably a few months old by looks of it.

with its mom- awwwww

and further down the street toward Todai-ji Temple, deers seemed to rule the streets (also its poop)



Deers were worshipped as messengers from god in this area. With tourists and all, they are pretty much all over this area- still wild so even though they seem tamed- so be careful how you approach them.

Deers seem to be pretty related to goats and sheep as can be seen by the shape of their pupils.

Curious deer

walks like kings/queens

I think this fellah wanted to say,

"I'm the King of the World!"

since world seems to revolve around him

some fellah is head-over-heels with his doe

and the main temple of Todai-ji Temple. It's where a huge Buddha statue is present

Lumix TZ7

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