Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I finally got the time to participate in usual monthly/bimonthly art contest in Japan!!

Before, I had several manga submission deadlines coming up - so I couldn't participate in any illustration contest for several months- but now since I don't have any deadline coming up soon- I will try out an art contest~

I don't think I will win this one though since I'm going to compete against pro arists.

Anyway- if I win (which WON'T happen- probably)- my submitted work will be displayed in one big mobile phone company's stores across Japan. If I win- I will post a link to that art work once the result comes out in Feb. If not, I will just post it in DA.

I think they will be in vector art format- no anime/manga drawing for my case- and have already two designs I want to try out within a few minutes of learning about the contest~


Gaaaaah! My illust totally lacks proper design!!!

So- for the next few weeks or from now on, I will try to incorporate more- techniques to my drawing like yesterday's wall paper.

Anyway, what I practiced today with one book:

"Can you hear it?" in Japanese. Just random phrase.

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